Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Played this morning. Felt better than last week. I was dying on Thursday. I've been slacking in my workouts in general and need to roll back into it. I hope to get some running and Sworkits back into the mix this Thanksgiving weekend. 

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Sworkit and Treadmill Running

Did a 20 minute Sworkit and then ran on the treadmill for 4 miles. It was awful. I had the treadmill set at a certain speed the whole time but my Garmin watch kept sensing different paces from me for some reason. I think it all has to do with my stride. Either way it was incredibly frustrating. LINK

Treadmill Running - 1 hour

So tough for me. I feel like I barely made it an hour. 8 minute miles basically. Not happy about it really at all. Makes me want to get out...